Husky Terminal: Husky Terminal has been very strict with appointments in the last few weeks. They prohibit drivers from lining up before their appointment window. Husky will be banning any offenders for 2 days if caught. This will be the driver and possibly the trucking company!
This has also greatly reduced standby times down from 4-6 hours to maybe 2 hours, but it has been improving each week.
WUT Terminal: Has been backed up lately. They are starting to enforce appointments as well. Hopefully, this will reduce standby times like the Husky was able to do.
Terminal 5 and18: Still open 4 days a week, however our drivers are still in/out fairly quick. Getting peel piles there is what makes everything much faster. The Terminals really want peel piles, so they work with you well even if you only have 5 containers coming in on a vessel. Terminal 18 closes Fridays and Terminal 5 is closed Mondays.
Did you also know? Port X Logistics has a drayage operation and full service transload warehouse located in Kent WA for all your Seattle and Tacoma drayage and transload needs. We have 35 trucks, a secured yard space and specialized chassis for overweight containers – Even with the ports only open 4 days per week, our dispatch team/warehouse is very efficient and keep your chassis charges between 2-4 days, and we have open capacity! Our transload warehouse team is able to cross dock pallets quickly for expedited shipments and we have available storage space for short or long term storage projects.
Contact our team for IMMEDIATE capacity, great rates and to experience our exception West Coast customer service at letsgetrolling@portxlogistics.com