920 words 7minute read – Let’s do this!
6 days into Q3 and we have fireworks! A strike, more fires, and another possible strike. How do you predict July will end?
We’re thrilled to announce that our very own Founder and quickly turning celebrity, Brian Kempisty will be joining the host of The Logistics of Logistics podcast, Joe Lynch, for an awesome and insightful chat next week. Make sure to check it out on The Logistics of Logistics website or on our LinkedIn.
The BC Maritime Employers Association (BCMEA) is in the hot seat with labor negotiations between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada Long Shore Division (ILWU) being paused, picket lines went up on July 1st as promised and is bringing a current estimate of $12 billion in trade to a stranded halt in and en route to the Canada West Coast Ports. The 29 Canada West Coast Ports have not worked any vessels since June 30th and are impacting Rail shipments with Canadian National, Canadian Pacific and BNSF Railways as well. Vancouver and Prince Rupert Ports also move almost 20% of U.S. trade, many of which include supplies and parts that are critical to U.S. auto plants. Say hello again to vehicle shortages and price hikes.
The Grimaldi Group owned vessel the Grande Costa d’Avorio caught fire last night at Port Newark terminal while crew members and local Stevedores were unloading vehicles. Tragically 2 New Jersey Firefighters did not survive as a result. The vessel was carrying around 1500 vehicles and 157 containers and was said to not have any electric vehicles or hazardous cargo aboard and no spilling fuel and the vessel is not in danger of sinking. The port is said to be operating as business as usual and no major congestion has been reported.
And finally, UPS. There is a growing possibility of an August 1st Teamsters strike after they rejected UPS’ recent offer on wages and benefits. The current contract expires on July 31st and some shippers have taken note of the possibility of a summer 2023 strike, planning for, or switching to other non-union parcel carriers earlier in the year while freight volumes have remained low. All I know is a lot of my personally preferred stores still use UPS, this thing better be resolved before fall wardrobe shopping time starts!
Even with some U.S. Ports being closed a mix of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week, Import TEU volume is only down 3.83% this week from last week. We are getting closer to the seasonal shipping stretch, so we are all planning (and praying) for volume increases. Looking back to years past as far as 2019, we are starting July better than 2019 and 2020, however post pandemic years 2021 and 2022 remain untouchable in the volume index department. Call me crazy or a conspiracy theorist but every day I feel like stranger things are happening with time and weather – something bigger is always on the world agenda, and it always affects supply chain, good, bad or ugly.
YTD 2023
YTD 2019-present
What’s happening at the ports and rails?:
You can find all the information on the below link where we cover port congestion, chassis issues and capacity lead times weekly at all U.S. and Canada Ports and rail heads:
Port & Rail Updates
Vancouver/Prince Rupert: The strike is causing many vessels to sit idle, with no negotiations in sight and no current news of whether or not the Canadian Parliament will step in. Follow the Port X Logistics LinkedIn page for the most up to date news on the strike and we are here to help! We have Drayage, Transloading and Trucking capability and capacity in all U.S. and Canada Ports and rails. Contact letsgetrolling@portxlogistics.com
Vessels currently at port Vancouver: 208 Expected Arrivals: 54
Vessels currently at port Prince Rupert: 61 Expected Arrivals: 26
LA/LGB: Holiday closures on Tuesday and Wednesday have increased congestion at the port gates Thursday morning and are expected to continue through most of 1st shift.
Vessels currently at port Los Angeles: 145 Expected Arrivals: 41
Vessels currently at port Long Beach: 67 Expected Arrivals: 56
Oakland: Same situation as LA/LGB Holiday Terminal closures on Tuesday and Wednesday this week ar causing excessive wait times, however there is a possibility that labor shortages in Oakland and could further effect congestion in the Oakland terminals
Vessels currently at port: 59 Expected Arrivals: 19
New York/New Jersey: The Wednesday night vessel fire at PNCT has not currently caused any congestion or traffic at or around the NY/NJ terminals – Port X Logistics will post the most up to date terminal issues Vessels currently at port: 377 Expected Arrivals: 113
Did you know? Port X Logistics is a premier sponsor of Empire State Ride!
From July 22nd to July 29th, 300 ESR riders will tackle 547 miles, uphill, from Staten Island to Niagara Falls over 7 days to raise awareness and help fuel Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center’s cutting-edge cancer research. We wish ESR founder Terry Bourgeois and the 2023 road warriors true appreciation and the best of luck as they embark on the ride of a lifetime.
Cancer has negatively affected ALL of our lives in one form or another, your $1 donation turns into $23 in cancer research funding with a goal of freeing our world from the fear, pain and loss due to the horrible disease. For more information on ESR and to donate click on the link below https://empirestateride.com/fundraising-now-goes-23-times-further/
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