970 words 7 minute read – Let’s do this!
As we embark on Independence Day and Canada Day, it is crazy to think 6 months of 2023 is gone. Forest fires, labor disputes, a post pandemic drowning market and more labor disputes. July to December is going to be an adventure for sure!
The International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada (ILWU Canada) and the British Columbia Maritime Employers Association (BCMEA) said in separate statements Wednesday that the union sent formal notice that its members will walk off the job as of 8 a.m. West Coast time on July 1. ILWU Canada said it filed the 72-hour strike notice because the BCMEA has “refused to negotiate on the main issues, and we feel we are left with no choice but to take the next step in the process.” The union, though, urged maritime employers to negotiate in “good faith” on wages and automation during contract talks that will continue ahead of the planned strike. The potential impact of a strike on container operations at Vancouver is unclear at this point. Only five container ships are at berth at the port currently, with two of those having arrived Wednesday, It was not clear when they are expected to depart. Read more on the below JOC article here:
ILWU Canada plans to strike British Columbia ports on Saturday | Journal of Commerce (joc.com)
I can give some pretty obvious predictions here. Vessels remain unworked, containers will be held, containers railing to the U.S. Via Canadian Pacific and Canadian National Railways will have unbearable dwell times and once they come to a contract resolution, transloads will be needed more than ever. Guess what? We have strong transload capabilities in all of the U.S. and Canada. Start pre planning to avert disaster, whether it is a plan for your containers already en route to the Canadian Pacific Northwest, or if you are planning to reroute your containers to another location, Port X Logistics can help. Drayage, transloading and trucking complete with tracking from vessel departure all the way to final delivery. Contact us today for more information on how you can avoid the crisis letsgetrolling@portxlogistics.com
What movie is number 1 to watch on the 4th of July? Sandlot. We recently had an office debate on Sandlot vs. Bad News Bears. Apparently, it’s a generational thing. If you’re over forty it’s BNB, under forty it’s SL. And if you’re Gen Z, your life really only exists on Tik Tok and I can honestly say I have no debate for your poor unfortunate souls. What’s all this have to do with anything? Absolutely nothing. But people want some entertainment and VISIBILITY over the holidays. Port X Logistics will bring you both.
Not only will we bring you WOW through service, but we will also bring some fun and weirdness along the way. The fun, the weird, and the wow! Talk about visibility – how about a link to all of your shipments so you can monitor with the click of a button, while you’re enjoying your holiday festivities.
Run into a jam over the holidays, we’ve got your covered 24/7. www.Carrier911.com has sprinters, straight trucks, and dry vans on standby.
If your LTL network is shutdown or overloaded, then what? The teamsters don’t seem to be playing rationally. For LTL companies losing money every year, why bother continuing? Port X Logistics is not an LTL company, but we can help you pick up the pieces and make sure all of your hot cargo gets to destination on-time.
Import TEU volume is only down less than 1% this week from last week, with Long Beach, LA and New Jersey taking the most volumes in. It’s also great to see Savannah hitting 4th place this week with 8.5% of all US import volumes coming into Savannah this week. Here is a little breakdown of this week’s top U.S. import ports:
What’s happening at the ports and rails?:
This week, not much! The pre-holiday week has both lowered volumes and many terminal closures.
Reminder that Monday July 3rd is a Canadian Federal holiday and Tuesday July 4th is a U.S. Federal holiday, both major holidays closing pretty much all ports and some railways on both days
You can find all the information on the below link where we cover port congestion, chassis issues and capacity lead times weekly at all U.S. and Canada Ports and rail heads
LA/LGB: The tentative contract between ILWU and PMA have helped to keep the ports flowing freely, no major issues to report
Vessels currently at port Los Angeles: 158 Expected Arrivals: 44
Vessels currently at port Long Beach: 78 Expected Arrivals: 61
Oakland: Wait times are finally improving after the previous issues ties to labor disruptions
Vessels currently at port: 60 Expected Arrivals: 15
Chicago Rail: Rail dwell times have improved, but with the ILWU Canada strike bottleneck will hinder CN and CP rail shipments into the US – something we will watch out for!
Did you know? The next few days leading up to and after the 4th of July holiday can wreak havoc on the urgency of your expedited shipments. Many other carriers will be on holiday mode from today until, well most of July – but not the Carrier911 team! We are available 24/7/365 for all your expedited and incoming airfreight. We can provide you with cargo vans, straight trucks, and dry vans even through fireworks – let us help you celebrate the holiday while we handle your freight – info@carrier911.com has your back. Benefit from the support of air freight crisis management specialists. Get reliable, transparent support when you need it NOW for a frustration-free experience. Carrier911.com – It will seem impossible… Until you see it yourself!
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