Nov 07

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Our October BINGO Victor!

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The October BINGO goes out to Kyle Burgard!!

Congratulations Kyle!!!!!

Kyle is being recognized because he always comes to work with great attitude even when a difficult situation arises and his ability to keep his cool and attack the problem with a positive attitude!

Kyle is always striving to grow personally and professionally by taking on new responsibilities and tasks. He always treats every driver with respect and realizes how important they are to our team. He communicates with them like he would any other coworker or customer which aligns with the Port X Logistics culture of providing people with a positive experience!

Kyle supports our drivers with their use of Turvo and continually helps to answer their questions or resolve problems. He constantly interacts with customers and gives them a positive support attitude and responds to emails with a sense of urgency and provides excellent customer service!

Kyle, thank you for your contribution and the continued success of Port X Logistics.

What is this BINGO we speak of?

As we have been collaborating with our clients and solving problems, we have had a chance to work with customers during these crazy times in the drayage and trucking world. The convos are about solving their problems, but also doing it Port X Logistics style.