At Port X Logistics, we are changing the game in drayage, trans-load and trucking by combining our three pillars—culture, service, and tech. We treat our team, customers, and vendors like family; we provide the best customer experience in the industry; and we tie it all together with the high-visibility, collaborative technology tool called Turvo.
When Port X Logistics partnered with Turvo, Turvo wasn’t made for drayage or multi-leg shipments. Through the partnership, we were able to create powerful tools that met our needs as well as our customers needs. We were fortunate enough to be an early adopter and got to give our input on the equipment types, trans-load process, testing the driver app, and implementing features that would enhance our customer’s experience.
Turvo is free and easy to use for all Port X Logistics customers and is accessible on any smartphone, computer, or tablet.
Recently, Turvo integrated some new features such as OpenTrack. With Turvo’s new integration of OpenTrack, Port X Logistics can provide even more access and visibility at your fingertips. The process continues to be enhanced and made more efficient. OpenTrack uses data collected in real-time from hundreds of sources, to track containers and vessels all the way from the time of sailing to the empty container termination.
OpenTrack’s integration with Turvo allows Port X Logistics to enhance the level of service they are able to provide customers across the supply chain by encouraging collaboration between all parties. Operationally, this will increase efficiency and save time as a result of the provided visibility. OpenTrack’s integration also helps in the prevention of potential data issues that may occur by providing delivery metrics and a common place for coordinating to meet customer demands. The value that this software provides to all parties in the supply chain is unmatched.
This partnership combines the already powerful TMS platform, Turvo, with OpenTrack’s unparalleled container tracking and data examination, constructing the ultimate tool for 3PLs, freight forwarders, and more.
We are excited to see the advancements that are yet to come from Turvo and OpenTrack!
Just like Turvo’s integration of OpenTrack, Port X Logistics recently integrated CargoSnap into their tech stack. For any container that’s transloaded at one of our facilities across the US and Canada, the photos of the cargo are easily accessible. Photos before the cargo is touched, if/when it hits the warehouse floor, and after it’s loaded in the outbound trailer.
CargoSnap is helping Port X Logistics LLC to deliver the gold standard of service throughout the US & Canada.
If you would like to learn more about how Port X Logistics utilizes Turvo to provide the best service for customers or how much of a game changer CargoSnap is, please reach out to tom@portxlogistics.com to schedule a brief Turvo demo. Also, you can check out this video on the Port X Logistics and Turvo partnership.