Sep 06

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Port X Logistics BINGO Winner!

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The August BINGO goes out to Chris Frampton!!

Congratulations Chris!!!!!

Chris is being recognized for his ability to quickly establish himself as a Key Account Manager and his ability to consistently lead by example. He never has a problem taking on challenging freight and finding solutions. He always demonstrates patience and excellence when working with customers and coworkers.

He is continuously helping others and openly accepts help when he needs it as well as always representing Port X Logistics by being a great Brand Ambassador. Chris shows true grit in securing capacity and new business. He will always take ownership and is willing to collaborate.

When dealing with customers and marketing communication, Chris has been a great subject matter expert. He consistently engages in walking leadership and taking initiative without being asked. Finally, Chris will always demonstrate random acts of kindness with his coworkers and customers.

Chris, thank you for your contribution and continued success of Port X Logistics.

What is this BINGO we speak of?

As we have been collaborating with our clients and solving problems, we have had a chance to work with customers during these crazy times in the drayage and trucking world. The convos are about solving their problems, but also doing it Port X Logistics style.