Aug 16

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An Open Letter to Port X Logistics

2 minute read

We knew that there was a better way. A better way to move freight using our own assets, using the best tech available, providing proactive and educated service; most importantly we knew that there was a better way to treat PEOPLE. 

We were all, at one point or another in our careers, treated in a not-so-great way. We were all looked down upon; told that we weren’t good enough; denied bonuses and fair and earned compensation. We were all simply treated less than the right way. 

Port X Logistics was started to be better, to treat people the way people should be treated. Port X Logistics was started to change lives

What was the cost of this? The price to pay? It was pouring our blood, our sweat, our tears into building something special, something great, something meaningful and impactful. 

We have dedicated the last five years of our lives, bypassing important family moments, life moments, small moments, to create a unique and special company. 

We’ve cried, laughed, hugged and yelled along the way. We’ve created new special moments; created new family time and opportunities; created an amazing life. 

We don’t work bankers’ hours but we don’t live boring lives. 

We don’t look to compare and compete internally but instead choose to collaborate and partner. 

We ROW together; we HAMMER away. 

We don’t question and fault but question and understand. 

We lead by love. 

We work hard and play hard. 

We want to be the best but only if being the best is achieved by all not by some. 

We are Port X Logistics. 

Think about this. 

Live it 

Breath it. 

All for one and one for all. 

This means something. 

Five years ago we put it ALL on the line. 

Today we’ll protect it and nurture it and defend it. 

It’s our culture; it’s our DNA. 

Is it yours? 

– Pat Morrison