Aug 11

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FreightWaves Market Updates by Port X Logistics

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FreightWaves Market Updates by Port X Logistics Featured Image

The News

Overall volumes across North America have not changed a ton and many of the same problems persist.  How long can we talk about this dysfunctional United States chassis system?  Joe and Pete, if you could call a small to medium sized trucking company and get the rest of the story as Paul Harvey would say.  Chassis are problematic across the east coast and at many of the major US rail ramps – Chicago, Kansas City, Memphis.  Inland Point Intermodal / IPI is still not to regular levels due to the congestion at the rail ramps! 

So who’s hot next week based upon Freightwaves Sonar Reports.

  • Houston continues to grab volume.  Likely due to the diversification away from the west coast, as there is still not ILWU contract in place.  We don’t see this changing!  Get your orders in early and IF you have containers booked to city docks let your trucker know.  It’s not the same as Barbours Cut or Bayport!
  • Charleston has a huge spike coming next week.  Chassis MAY be an issue?  Just remembers 20’ chassis don’t grow on trees.  Especially tri-axles.  Communicate early and understand where your cargo is coming into.
  • Long Beach should see its highest volumes over the last 30 days.  If you’re going to let your cargo ride the rail, no telling how long it will take to get loaded.  Divert that critical cargo or beware.  It got about 6% better, but still vast number sitting over 9 days.  You can check out the POLB website for more specific information.
  • Norfolk remains strong!  Get orders in early.
  • Baltimore has NO chassis.  Literally 0 pool chassis one day this week (See below for an image if the Baltimore chassis).
  • NY/NJ seeing another spike next week and the empty situation is BAD!  We have had empties on hand for a month with no available appointments to terminate empties.  Document all of your return attempts in order to fight per diem charges with the lines.
  • Oakland is a mess!  Just get orders in early.  The AB5 protests and inconsistency of terminal operations have been difficult.  Secure your space early!


  • Miami is a seesaw.  It’s going to be back down again next week.
  • Savannah doesn’t get a huge break, but no spikes.  We still need that to work through the backlog.  The terminal is processing containers at a good clip, just still a lot of vessels at anchor. 
    Port congestion is also being implemented at the Georgia Ports.

Really not much has changed from last week.  Just know that we may have a calming of the storm, but we suspect after Labor Day and through Halloween it will be busy. 

For any questions or concerns, contact the leadership team via

Sonar Images