Jun 09

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Everything You Need To Know About FreightWaves Market Update

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The News

Overall volume across the United States still remains low. There are some ports that you will need to keep an eye on in the coming weeks.

New York/New Jersey, Baltimore, Savannah, Seattle, and Jacksonville Ports are all expected to se a spike in volume coming in.

Empty return restrictions are once again on the rise in the LA/Long Beach Ports. Savannah still has vessels anchored outside of the port due to the construction on the berths.

There seems to be a chassis shortage in all markets. New York still has SSL lockouts. ONE, Hapag, Yang Ming, and ACL all have restrictions on returning empties daily with Wan Hai still only allowing dual transactions.

The Midwest is seeing a lots of trains coming in and no chassis available. Nashville, Memphis, and Kansas City are all in the middle of really bad Chassis shortages. Prepull is essentially off the table in those markets until further notice.

For any questions or concerns, reach out to letsgetrolling@portxlogistics.com or marketupdates@portxlogistics.com.

For a better look at the volumes , check out the sonar images below!

Sonar Images