Mar 07

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February’s BINGO Winner!

< 1 minute read

The February BINGO goes out to Jordan Fenske!!

Congratulations Jordan!!!!!

Jordan is the winner of the February BINGO because he gives 100% effort 100% of the time. He has shown leadership and support and continues to improve everyday. He has proven to be a high performing member of the ops team. He always gets an early jump on the day and prioritizes customer service. He works with a sense of urgency and is very efficient with everything he does. He understands the Port X Logistics story and continues to align with the culture here. Finally he is always working on Turvo improvements to be more current, clear, and concise!

Without a question this BINGO has been long overdue!

Jordan, thank you for your contribution and continued success of Port X Logistics.

What is this BINGO we speak of?

As we have been collaborating with our clients and solving problems, we have had a chance to work with customers during these crazy times in the drayage and trucking world. The convos are about solving their problems, but also doing it Port X Logistics style.