Our leadership team wanted to take the time to say a little something about the great employees we have here at Port X Logistics in honor of National Employee Appreciation Day! Here is what they had to say:

“Clock in. Clock out. Clock in. Clock out. That’s what a day in the life of working felt and looked like for me. Speaking for my partners I think we all were sick of coming in to work with no purpose, passion or zeal. Leadership was distant, cold and had no clue what the day to day was like. The numbers were what mattered most. Profit over people. It was plain for us to see that any successful organization needed empathetic rather than apathetic leadership. We brought that to the forefront when the ideas and foundational objectives of Port X Logistics were being molded. We wanted Port X Logistics to be fun, wacky and a little weird. Port X Logistics would have an operations A Team creating a customer centric experience that was without comparison in the logistics space. As the company has grown in size and scope we believe we have stuck to those values and will continue to stick to them. We are fortunate that every team member we currently have is THE SUCCESS of our organization not just a part of the success.”

“Port X Logistics was created to do what the logistics industry fails to accomplish, putting its people first. Having our people ingrained into our fundamental pillars of Culture, Service, Tech, and Trucks has allowed us to become a leading figure within the industry within 4 years. We are grateful of every freight obsessed member of the Port X Logistics family, without them there is no Port X Logistics and it’s because of our people that we have been able to scale and grow to levels I never imagined possible.”

“We knew there was a better way to treat our people and our customers. We launched on the foundational pillars of culture, service, tech and trucks. In just 4 short years we have grown to be an industry leader in Drayage, Transloading, and Trucking. Culture is our first pillar and we pay great attention to it every day. The ‘family’/people at Port X Logistics Logistics is what makes the whole thing work.”

“Our employees really are everything. Even through the worst of Covid times and working from home, they bring Port X Logistics success to a whole other level. Their hard work and dedication to the company and the camaraderie they built with each other has set the tone for an amazing team. Without their presence and hard work we would not be able to flourish the way we have, we are truly blessed and appreciate all of them as part of the team and as individuals. Happy National Employee Appreciation day, a special day is more than well earned and our Leadership Team goal is to make you feel appreciated everyday!”

“It’s all about the people really. We ask a lot of our employees but by simply treating them with respect, offering our unending assistance and doing the same things we ask them to do, they accomplish everything and more. We’re all cut from the same cloth, we just need to remind ourselves that we are no different than them and if we ‘Sweep the Sheds’ along with them they will ‘row the boat’ alongside us. We knew there was a better way to treat people, because at one point we were the people not being treated right. The day we forget this is the day we won’t have employees to appreciate and love.”

“Prior to Port X Logistics, I would often talk with a colleague about ‘Hopes and Dreams’. The hopes and dreams of someday being successful and well rewarded. When we started Port X Logistics, we knew that in order for the company to be successful, the individual team members needed to be successful themselves. Our employees are successful every single day. They dedicate their energy and time to not only their own success but the success of the company. It’s because of our employee’s hard work, day in and day out, that my hopes and dreams have been realized.”

“We really do have the best employees here at Port X Logistics. It’s amazing to collaborate with such hard working and dedicated people each and every day.”