Feb 09

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Congratulations To January’s BINGO Winner!

< 1 minute read

The January BINGO goes out to Rachel Nelson!!

Congratulations Rachel!!!!!!

Rachel is the winner of the January Bingo because of her agility and seamless shift into a role that moved you outside of your comfort zone. She had to quickly adjust and work closely with Tim managing the finance department until help arrived. She put in the extra time and effort to get the job done without complaint and a big smile! She adopted the Port X Logistics success factors of doing more with less, embrace and drive change, pursue growth and learning, and be humble in order to make all of this happen!!

Rachel, thank you for your contribution and continued success of Port X Logistics.

What is this Bingo we speak of?

As we have been collaborating with our clients and solving problems, we have had a chance to work with customers during these crazy times in the drayage and trucking world. The convos are about solving their problems, but also doing it Port X Logistics style.