Oct 08

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Congratulations to Our BINGO Champ This Month!

< 1 minute read

The September bingo goes to Bryan Castellanos!

Bryan has been chosen as the winner of the September Bingo because of his ability to remain cool, calm, and collected in the face of adversity.

He has demonstrated professionalism with customers not only with the customer and carriers but also with forging new business opportunities. He has shown excellence with his Turvo management and is always willing to help his team.

Bryan, you have not been with Port X Logistics long, but you certainly have made an impact.  


What is this bingo we speak of?

As we have been collaborating with our clients and solving problems, we have had a chance to work with customers during these crazy times in the drayage and trucking world. The convos are about solving their problems, but also doing it Port X style.