Apr 13

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Congrats, Evelyn!

 During the month of March Evelyn received customer accolades from one of our big customers.

She had some great examples of WOW through service, being proactive, doing more with less, and always communicating—nailing the Port X Logistics success factors.

Not only does Evelyn receive customer accolades, but she expresses kindness in every email she writes. Her email responses are always friendly and helpful. She makes her customers feel special and provides the utmost in customer service. Her kindness is not only expressed outward but inward as well. Internally, she is always willing to go above and beyond to help her teammates. 

She demonstrates grit and perseverance by staying organized and on top of each carrier for LA empty returns. She remains composed under pressure and never loses her cool. The West coast has been crazy busy since October 2020 and Evelyn has not wavered. She has maintained a positive attitude since day one.

What is this bingo you speak of?

As we have been collaborating with our clients and solving problems, we have had a chance to work with customers during these crazy times in the drayage and trucking world. The convos are about solving their problems, but also doing it Port X Logistics style.